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High Definition Gauges for C182 RG (Carenado)


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Hi !

Would like to edit Carenado 182 RG Gauges and wondering if there actualy som High Def ones made

and availble to start with ?

I'ts for the Vri PCT and when projecting the panel on that one the gauges are very "rough" and there is also "false reflections" edited to the bitmaps.

I'd like to get them cleaned up, get the numbers/pointers less jaggy and so on..

I'm a total newbie on this so a good raw material would realy help out...


Best regards


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I used to redo all the graphics sheets for various gauges in my payware GA Aircraft even though it was time consuming the rewards were worth it especially the night lighting edits.

IMHO the very BEST third party gauges EVER made to date are those from Reality XP , I'm just hanging out for the 3308 and 3400 to be available for FSX, If you want to make an edit to an aircraft with the G100 then BUY the unit from Mindstar.

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