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orbx on my new system


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I have a new box on the way to my humble abode , and even though I dont mind the whole re install process all that much I could not help but thinking about How I could make it easier/ better, so i was thinking about a complete reinstall ,... it would be like this Orbx verifies all of your previously purchased products from them verifies you are who you say...then mails you a "backup dvd " for a price of course, that could be further verified online and then you could re install everything all at once. I have alot of products some other scenery addons ,nt mentioned here and gex and utx and rex and overdrive and not to mention all the aircraft... Just my thought on making my long and winding road a bit shorter

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Hi ithendrix

Do you mean that the back up DVD would just have the one verification key for all the Orbx products you own once verified? But i suppose the store where you bought your Orbx products from would be the ones to verify. Still, could be an earner for them.



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Good idea, I would probably wait until they have the USA complete as if you ordered something like that now, They still have a lot more stuff they are coming out with.

THose flash drive installers are even better as they are smaller and easier to ship and faster to reinstall from.

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Yea kinda like oz x did . I guess what I really would like to see is a 10 pack dvd package called

ORBX THE EARTH and airports. lol.!

Yes i can see it. ORBX The Boxset! Limited edition would come with bonus content etc.



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