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first Lancair shots - YBUD to YGLA


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These are my only shots with the Lancair so far. Myfirst flight used the simple flight

model and I thought I didnt care for the aircraft but then I tried the realistic model

and that was much better.  the only reason I went simple is becasue I had no wheels and then

no controls and no steering.  all becasue of one advanced animations button.

These are from my second flight.  YBUD to YGLA.  clouds set up cool that day.

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Super pictures of the Lancair here - have some many great hours of flying around with this new plane of Yours then!!!!!

Thanks. I will.

The Lancair has this wonderful little twitchiness when coming in for a landing.  or at least it did that day.  I enjoyed it

a lot.

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