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"Flow" confusion [ANSWERED]


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I'm from a country, flat as a pancake! - so first of all I obviously go for your North America scenery....  :-\

BUT, what is all this about Texture-, People- and Object Flow - Would I benefit from this in NA - that is, apart from Australia???

Can't find any general information on this issue..

Regards, Morten


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Hi there,

I think confused by thes techniques, too.

Why do advertise with "Object Flow" and "Texture Flow", but say, it is too dificult for us.

I don't want to understand how these "Flows" work, but I would like to know, what they effect.

Do we get better performance or do we need less memory capacity? Or is it easier to work with it as an developer? We don't know...

If they have no effect, you would not advertise your products with this symbols.

Thank you.


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There is not much to understand. In a nutshell:

- TextureFlow: a special technique to process high-res textures for better performance. This is primarily (or exclusively?) for airport textures on buildings etc.

- PeopleFlow: animated people that perform special animations like walking around or loading luggage onto a static plane. This is to make addon airports more alive.

- ObjectFlow: a technique to exchange objects on the fly without having to reload the scenery/the sim. This is useful to exchange scenery objects under certain conditions, for example different types of vegation for different seasons without having to exit FSX and changing the vegetation manually via a control panel (like at Vashon for example). This is also mostly relevant for addon airports.

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You were not the only one, mate. I was waiting for someone else to ask as I have shown my ignorance many times (enough is enough for me at the moment). Now I can sleep soundly knowing the answer to these questions that have been niggling at me for awhile.

John G

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