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PNW Demo Crashes FTX while loading


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Hi All

I Down loaded and thought I followed all the instructions to install the PNW Demo.  However when I go to launch- FSX crashes just as the  scenery finishes loading and weather begins.  The progress bar is at 80 % and then crash.  Windows says its looking for a problem.  This happens no matter what, with the demo installed.  FTX central can be checked on default or Australia or PNW.  I have all the Free airports installed along with AU BLue and if Demo is not installed all works flawlessly. 

I have used the correct procedure to uninstall and I reinstalled but same thing.  I made sure all the ORBX lib were installed last.  Again no other problems except out of memory as noted below.

Any Help greatly appreciated


Current Computer (need to update my profile)

Windows 7 64 bit

I7 950

12 GIGs of Ram

Standard SATA hard drive with all programs and scenery on the primary drive

Nvidia 460 with latest driver (not the one just released)

On another note I do get the dreaded out of memory message if I fly a high level scenery for about 15 minutes.  I have fooled with virtual memory but have no idea whats causing this.  I lowered resolution but still have sliders far right.  I Like GA rural areas so it hasn't got on my nerves enough to figure it out.

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Well I guess I didn't pay attention to all the details as well as I should have.  I had my Autogen slider all the way to right.  When I backed off 1 notch all was well.  I also thought I had FSX SP2 installed but double checking it was just SP1 so I updated and now so far anyway OOM errors have stopped. 

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