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Kelowna to Crawford Bay VFR in the 185


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I did this run recently delivering supplies from Kelowna to some more remote air fields up the Rockies.

* this is an FSE flight - www.fseconomy.com

Weather was dicey, it would be an IFR trip, or, a VFR low below 1000 AGL.  I chose the low and scenic route.  Using my sectional for this part of the world, and having driven the highways many times before for ski trips in the area, I opted for a route that would take me along a well travelled and snow cleared highway and then use a major lake as my guide in for the second half of the trip.

Starting airport: CYLW - Kelowna

Destination airport: CAR2 - Crawford Bay

total distance straight line: 101nm

Here is the overview of the route

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I chose to fly north from Kelowna with Vatsim VFR flight following me and directing me into Vernon, where I would catch highway #6 going east and terminating the flight following - i'd be on my own all the way from there.

The first leg of the trip is outlined below

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Once on highway #6, the plan is to follow it until the town of Edgewood and onto Lower Arrow Lake for the second half of the trip.

Pics from this first segment of the trip

departing Kelowna and Niska Aviation's FBO and NRM H.Q

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starting a left turn out for the north to Vernon - I was full fuel and 500KG of supplies, so nice and slow it would be till i got to my safe altitude

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coming into Vernon and looking for highway #6

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highway #6 sighted and now Vatsim ATC cancels flight following

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following the highway

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the highway would take me in between some canyons and some great scenery in general

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the clouds would come and go very low so I had to drop to 500AGL just to keep the highway in sight

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I finally see some vehicle traffic on the highway

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the second half of the trip route is below

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Once on Arrow Lake, it would be a relatively straight forward flight following it till we get to Catlegar (CYCG) and then keep following the lake/river

and highway #6 for a portion again

at Edgewood, we come out to Lower Arrow Lake, which will be followed all the way towards our final destination and some amazing scenery

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at Castlegar (CYCG) or West Kootenay Regional Airport as some maps still call it - time to turn north and find highway #6 again along the waters edge

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As you follow the river/highway #6 you hit Nelson B.C (CZNL) which I'd heard was very pretty, but i was not prepared for just how nice this area was.

A great marina and steel bridge greet you as you exit Nelson.  Must make a stop here on my next trip by.

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coming up to Kootenay Lake and our final destination

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Crawford Bay is tucked in just behind the bay, the approach is best done circling and coming in from the south for a landing onto rwy 32

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lining up for final, putting skis down as this is grass strip with snow on it

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parked and getting a coffee before the next leg to Fairmont Hot Springs  :D

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All in all, if i had flown this trip direct over the peaks and clouds, it would have taken 45 mins approximately.  The longer more circuitous route doubled the trip, but made it well worth it to get to know the scenery.


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