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Wreaking Havoc over NRM

Matthew Kane

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I picked up an IRIS F-14 from the sale yesterday. Not my usual choice of aircraft but if I am going to fly one…I’m going to Wreak Some Havoc  ;D

Aircraft: Pro Series F-14 Tomcat

Scenery: NA Blue NRM

Effects: REX Overdrive with High Altitude Blues theme

AI Traffic: Ultimate Traffic II

Cleared for takeoff:

Posted Image

Over the Calgary Skyline:

[img width=933 height=700]http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz44/ytzpilot/Wreaking%20Havoc%20over%20NRM/2010-12-9_02.jpg

Cruising over Calgary and making a lot of noise:

[img width=933 height=700]http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz44/ytzpilot/Wreaking%20Havoc%20over%20NRM/2010-12-9_03.jpg

Heading west towards the mountains:

[img width=933 height=700]http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz44/ytzpilot/Wreaking%20Havoc%20over%20NRM/2010-12-9_04.jpg

Some nice low flying along the way:

[img width=933 height=700]http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz44/ytzpilot/Wreaking%20Havoc%20over%20NRM/2010-12-9_05.jpg

Over Canmore Alberta:

[img width=933 height=700]http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz44/ytzpilot/Wreaking%20Havoc%20over%20NRM/2010-12-9_06.jpg

A shot taken from the Trans-Canada Highway, I must be making the tourists nervous:

[img width=933 height=700]http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz44/ytzpilot/Wreaking%20Havoc%20over%20NRM/2010-12-9_07.jpg

Punching the afterburners north towards Lake Louise:

[img width=933 height=700]http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz44/ytzpilot/Wreaking%20Havoc%20over%20NRM/2010-12-9_08.jpg

Lake Louise Ski Area:

[img width=933 height=700]http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz44/ytzpilot/Wreaking%20Havoc%20over%20NRM/2010-12-9_09.jpg

Full Throttle out of the valley with Lake Louise behind me:

[img width=933 height=700]http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz44/ytzpilot/Wreaking%20Havoc%20over%20NRM/2010-12-9_10.jpg

Climbing like a Bat out of Hell:

[img width=933 height=700]http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz44/ytzpilot/Wreaking%20Havoc%20over%20NRM/2010-12-9_11.jpg

Up over the mountain range:

[img width=933 height=700]http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz44/ytzpilot/Wreaking%20Havoc%20over%20NRM/2010-12-9_12.jpg

Targeting Golden BC, Think I’ll land there and go for some lunch:

[img width=933 height=700]http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz44/ytzpilot/Wreaking%20Havoc%20over%20NRM/2010-12-9_13.jpg

Approaching Golden Airport, Full Flaps, Wheels down:

[img width=933 height=700]http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz44/ytzpilot/Wreaking%20Havoc%20over%20NRM/2010-12-9_14.jpg

I don’t think this type of aircraft is meant to land here…OH WELL:

[img width=933 height=700]http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz44/ytzpilot/Wreaking%20Havoc%20over%20NRM/2010-12-9_15.jpg

I’ll just park it here and head into town for some lunch:

[img width=933 height=700]http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz44/ytzpilot/Wreaking%20Havoc%20over%20NRM/2010-12-9_16.jpg

I also bought the IRIS Pro Series Christen Eagle so that will be my next one…..CHEERS

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Fantastic set of shots.  What Fun!

Unfortunately I hate to tell you that Transport Canada would like you to contact them immediately.  Something about a disciplinary hearing I think!  ;D

PS: How do you like that 465 GPU with your Q6600.  I'm still running an 8800GT with mine and wondering if a graphics card upgrade would help much.

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I picked up an IRIS F-14 from the sale yesterday. Not my usual choice of aircraft but if I am going to fly one…I’m going to Wreak Some Havoc  ;D

Great shots.  8)

Unfortunately I missed this on on the $5 offer but picked it up elsewhere at a good discount anyway. Had my eye on it a whils back but was unsure, glad I waited to get it for a lower price TBH, find it a little dissappointing in some areas - sound seems very weak. Also having problems with engine keep cuttin on me, I'm sure this must be something I missing, any tips in this respect?  :)

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Also having problems with engine keep cuttin on me, I'm sure this must be something I missing, any tips in this respect?  :)

You are getting compressor stalls. This aircraft was extremely prone to Compressor stalls. Ease off on the throttle a wee bit and don't over use the afterburners.

I think statistically 28% of these jets were lost because of engine failures. These are things I am learning about it now that I have one.

At first I stalled the engine a few times but reading the manual and more about it on the Internet, I learned about the Compressor stall issue. Scary thing to have happen when trying to land on a carrier  :o :o :o  I have a larger respect for those who flew this beast now  8)

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Also having problems with engine keep cuttin on me, I'm sure this must be something I missing, any tips in this respect?  :)

You are getting compressor stalls. This aircraft was extremely prone to Compressor stalls. Ease off on the throttle a wee bit and don't over use the afterburners.

I think statistically 28% of these jets were lost because of engine failures. These are things I am learning about it now that I have one.

At first I stalled the engine a few times but reading the manual and more about it on the Internet, I learned about the Compressor stall issue. Scary thing to have happen when trying to land on a carrier  :o :o :o  I have a larger respect for those who flew this beast now  8)

Ah, I had noticed that easing off the throttle did seem to help, although I still feel like I'm hardly using the engine as it were. Shame the engine sound does not have a bit more behind it. I think it's time to go fire it up again... and then maybe the Christen Eagle.  Thanks for the feedback - appreciated. ;D

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