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YMLT Problem

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Hi guys, I have an issue with YMLT. The ORBX runway texttures are patchy and where they are missing, there's an approximately 1-2 meter drop in terrain with the standard FSX scenery (i.e. runway) seen directly below it. I had this issue on my last FSX install and I just thought that I must have deleted files inadvertently or some data got corrupted or something and as a result a fresh install would fix the issue which is what I was planning on doing. Having just completed a fresh install yesterday, I tried YMLT again, and whamo, the same issue is present. I remember it appeared out of the blue last time so I just wondering what might be causing the issue. I've just got ORBX installed at the moment and I've installed Holger's mesh. From memory, the order of my installation was:

1.) Holger's mesh

2.) FTX AU SP2

3.) 3.01 then 3.01b then installed all the free ware and pay-ware FTX airports that I have (except for YBBN because my file appears to be corrupt so I need to redownload it but being capped means I have to wait till the end of the month for that) including YMLT

4.) installed the libraries thing.

So just to reiterate, when I say the landing strip is patchy, I mean... imagine flying in to land and seeing the first 30 meters ORBX runway, then a 1-2 meter drop (the boundary is jagged) then the default FSX runway for around 20 meters then a 200 meter strip of ORBX runway etc etc and basically it goes on like that for the entire duration of the airport. The rest of the airport is fine and from what I've seen, the other airports are totally fine so not sure what is going on there.

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