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Shader3.0 Water

Derek McAllan

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G'day all,

I'm pretty stoked with Bojote's new WaterConstants.xml settings for the Shader3.0 mod as posted here - http://orbxsystems.com/forums/index.php?topic=22735.msg241751#msg241751

Combined with REX2 OD I'm getting the best water I've been able to achieve to date - far better than what I was able to achieve with Shader2.0 and REX with FSWC.  The reflections look much more realistic, and the texture striping that I was experiencing with REX2 OD water textures under Shader3.0 is now completely gone.

The pics below are from a FSEconomy flight I was doing the other night, ferrying passengers in the C208B from YSCB Southern Cross airfield up to YGEL Geraldton airport.  Weather was real for the day (21st November) and courtesy of the REX weather engine, as always.

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Vectoring into the Runway 03 approach, crossing the coast somewhere near Greenough I guess.

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Flying the feet wet part of the approach .

The only changes I've made to Bojote's xml file are to reduce his (painfully) glary sun reflections to a more realistic level.  I use fSpecularBoost values of 1.480, 1.475 and 1.470 for low, mid and high altitude levels respectively.  This gives a nice level of surface reflection which reflects (ha ha.) my RL experience on the water, with a mild falloff in the level of reflection as altitude increases to enhance the change in relative viewing angle.  I also darken the REX water shade by about 5 pips.  I really long for a dynamic water and weather system in FSX, and hope it makes it's way into Flight.  I see no reason why the wave texture used couldn't be selected by wind direction, speed and fetch, plus water depth and surrounding terrain, instead of having to load a whole new wave theme via REX.  Oh, and cloud shadows would be really nice too (nudge nudge Tim  ;D )

I'm pretty happy with my water now, and aside from messing around with different wave textures I think I'll sit on 'em for a bit  ;D



PS - I hate the landing lights on most of my aircraft, any suggestions for improvement?

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I must say Derek that I really like how you have got a good balance of realism with your water... looks amazing to me!

Lovely shots too.

With your landing lights I can recommend Shockwave 3D lights, very nice addon...

Only thing is, you have to manually edit your aircraft config on your payware aircraft...can be tricky

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