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Crossing over from Tongass to PFJ


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To see the join between Tongass Fjords and Pacific Fjords, I took off from Edna Bay (a little unmarked dock in TF I always liked), towards Nichin Cove (AK62), then crossed the island to the passage nearĀ  Meyers Chuck (84K), then turned 110deg on the passage towards Ketchikan (PAKT).

I know the area well, from years of flying all over Tongass and Misty Fjords way back when. I have to say I did not see a seam and could not tell when I crossed over to the other section. Orbx has done an amazing job! Kudos to John, Holger and crew!

[img alt=http://i683.photobucket.com/albums/vv198/alexfel/EastonthePassage_near84K.jpg]http://i683.photobucket.com/albums/vv198/alexfel/EastonthePassage_near84K.jpg

[img alt=http://i683.photobucket.com/albums/vv198/alexfel/EastonthePassage_near84K_2.jpg]http://i683.photobucket.com/albums/vv198/alexfel/EastonthePassage_near84K_2.jpg

These shots are on the passage, just past 84K towards PAKT, about 28 mi ahead

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