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So, with each release it seems that Orbx raises the bar in some way.  With PFJ, it's islands, if nothing else.  There's something magical about the land meeting the sea, wherever that occurs, but in the PNW the meeting takes place in spectacular fashion...mountains, fjords, and ISLANDS! 

Tongass Fjords was/is great scenery, as fantastic as Orbx, I've always thought, but even with it's wonderful scenery, it felt that something was missing.  There were islands, lots of them.

But with PFJ, there are tons of little islets!  All the little outcroppings and rock bars that I've always thought must be in this country but were NEVER modeled by any scenery package that's come out so far.  It adds such a rich new dimension to be able to fly across these expanses of water between the mountains and fjords and see all those little spots of land out there. 

This is prime helicopter country now!  I can't wait to land my Dodo-bird on every little treeless rocky islet that I can.

I was more into flying and sightseeing than taking pictures, but here's a couple I snapped quickly on my first flight from Ketchikan to Prince Rupert (with a touch and go at Annette). 

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