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bonfire night


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Yeah, it's a fun night for the kids but when you understand the facts behind it......it's a bit of a bizzare practice for this day and age....

Basically during the 17th century in England this chap Guy Fawkes (and a few others) plan to blow up parliament to kill king James the first (something to do with Catholic uprising i think) anyway he was caught before he was able to do the deed. He was found guilty and then hung, drawn and quatered.....a particularly gruesome and over elaborate 'dark age' death scenario carried out in full public view, with mutilation continuing long after death.

As if thats not bad enough, every year thereafter and continuing to the present day, on November 5th everyone makes an effigy of the man and 'burns him to death' publically on a massive fire, while everyone stands around cheering and clapping and loosing off fireworks!

Crazy world


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Remember Remember the Fifth of November, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot, I know of no reason, why the Gunpowder Treason should ever... be ... forgot.

Watch V for Vendetta fellas, inspiring movie about the man and the idea of a man

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kinda sounds like 4th of july in the states ..eat too much, drink too much, play with fire, and fire works, and fire arms ....YEE haa

..woops sorry guys  about that no guns allowed rule . Are hunting rifles allowed ?

Ironic thing is no guns allowed but it is a day to remember the terrorist of that time. It would be kinda like the USA having a bonfire night for Osama Bin Laden in 300 years.

Only the USA didn't get to put Osama on a rack to torture him (The Tower of London got special permission from the King and the Privy Council to do that). AND they got to sentence him to being Hanged, drawn and quartered (although he did beat the Hang-Man). They split him up and sent his body parts to be displayed in all four corners of the nation as an example to the people to not commit High Treason......Good Times, Good Times.  ;D

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That he failed thats why we burn him  :) And old unwanted sofas tables chairs anything that will burn and we all cant be bothered taking to the tip (dump) I don't even think we teach about it in schools over here anymore like when I was a kid so I don't even think Children even know why we have bonfire night. 

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It's all a bit of fun now, but as a father it can be a bit unsettling to have a young child watching on as sometimes a very real looking human figure burns away in front of them. Not sure how appropriate that is. We are going to a big event tonight, which my nearly 4 year old daughter is looking forward to.....might have to divert her attention from the flaming man.........Oh look....a hot dog and Donut stand  :)


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Yeah Russ, we used to make the Guy out of my Grandads old clothes that my Nan used to give us, except my Grandad didn't think his clothes were old so it hurt him more to see the Guy up flames lol  ;)

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I fondly remember when we used to celebrate it here in Australia ,

until the dictatorial do gooders and wowsers  stopped it,

It was fun and had a community spirit  behind it.

It annoys me that tiny disgruntled minorities pour cold water on many aspects of

life and impose their  paranoias on us all .

We all need to lighten up a little .

Life is all too short and should have a little levity and fun in it , and that is what

Bonfire night is , its no longer the celebration of that plot ,

rather it has become a celebration of fun , freedom , and the human spirit.



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It is interesting that Canada doesn't bother with Guy Fawkes day when England, New Zealand and Australia still observe it. But it does get cold in Canada by the 5th of November so we just stay inside. It was just below zero degrees last night so that is kind of too cold for a bonfire.

But in Canada we have Halloween and that one is a big deal up here as well as in the USA.

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just got back in from our bonfire night trip, the turn out was huge, several thousand people i guess. A massive bonfire (with no Guy incidentally) and a big fireworks display.

Lots and lots of young kids all running around with glow sticks, the fire was huge, they even had one of the local retained station fire engines on site, just in case.

fireworks were good, my little girl loved it, it's the first year she's been old enough to have a good time of it.


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Hi Russ,

Did you go to the display at Winchester where they have the candlelit parade through the streets of Winchester before the huge bonfire and massive firework display?

I didn't manage to get there this year (just had a few fireworks in the garden) but they generally attract 20,000 people and it's a great show (and it's free).  Try it next year if you haven't been yet.

To be honest, I can't remember the last time I saw a guy on a bonfire or kids offering 'penny for the guy'.  Guess they've got better things to do these days like hanging around outside Tesco or better still, flightsimming  ;D


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Hey Badger!

No the display we went to was only a small local affair held at the cricket ground and club at Exbury. It's only a small village, but people came from all over, there were thousands packed into the field.

Might have to give Winchester a go next year! although i bet parking is a nightmare?


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A sign of the times , when I was young the whole event was organised and done

by locals without council assistance or approval .

We would all gather and place the flammable  material in a heap at the nominated

location over a period of a week or so , and would you believe it included old worn

car tyres , can you imagine that happening today.

Basically we made our own fun , and had a thoroughly good time doing it , and it

definitely had community involvement and spirit woven into it.



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