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Odds and ends from this weekend at KMIA


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Thanks. Congrats on your new camera. If you can get a decent vantage point you may not need a long lens. We don't here. With good sun you don't even need IS if you can shoot upwards of 1/500". This set was done with a Nikon 70-200mm in a cropped sensor camera (1.5x ratio). Your Rebel has a 1.6x ratio so it reaches even longer. The 747 barely fits when right in front of you.

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Thanks. The vantage point in KMIA is great. They don't use that runway for takeoffs too often except for cargo. The are all from the longest runway (9R). Occasionally you get a small one taking off there but not often They turn into the active in front of you (#2, #3, #4) so you get them head-on while turning to the camera's right.

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Guest bliksimpie

great shots.. By the way plane spotting is very big in the news in South Africa as they have arrested a guy sitting next to runway taking pictures and listening in on radio band. The bad thing.. this guy(Julian Swift ) is very prominent flight magazine freelance writer in South Africa..

Are they trying to make a point for targeting him.. I dont know

It is alleged that he was in illegal possession of an airband receiver and for listening in on several radio frequencies. He must be licensed they said. On investigation and inquiries with the South African authorities to date, fails to say precisely which type of license would be required since there is no "airband listening" license in South Africa.

It appears this could turn into a classic case of the state determined to crush an individual. The press report says:

“The state has five witnesses – including the woman who sold Swift the receiver. They are not just determined to throw the book at Julian – they are still writing a telephone directory and War and Peace to throw at him.â€

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