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Overclocking CPU temp limits


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What temps do you generally aim for as max when overclocking? Seems 80 is the threshold of the caution area, but is it better to keep below 70? 75? anything up to 80?

Have my system OC'd to 4.0ghz right now, highest temp on an hour OCCT test was 69C, in gaming use seems to cap in mid 60s. Just curious if I should push to 4.2 or not at this point.

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Running 4.2 now and temps generally still only max in mid 60s during flightsim and other games.

Video card runs mid 70s all the time though, and in battleground europe it hops over 78 after 10 mins of play (have realtemp set to alarm video card at 78, CPU at 70)

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