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Two Walters, a Helen and a Piper...


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Just been enjoying FTX's latest offering around Washington State. After a normal takeoff and check of the local area, I took a spin round Mount St. Helens to see if there's anything going on there...

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All things being equal, a fairly quiet day on the mountain, so I headed south towards the lake and Walter Sutton's place... how to find it? Ah yes - find that funny "coolie hat" shaped hill and turn right... use the disused railway sheds as a pointer, after all, WA 79 is just beyond, parallel and slightly right...

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What's this I read in the guidebook from FTX?:

Fly back toward Tumtum two miles east. Isn't it handy to have a huge navigational aid that has no upkeep? Arriving over the disused rail yard turn north. Do not fly through the workshop, the FAA frowns on things like that.

Oh dear... and those guys let an Eagleskinner read those words...

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But as I said - WA79 is just beyond and right - easy to find, you can't miss from the rail yard...

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A successful "buy" and recommended all the way!

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