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Georgia On My Mind [DCSBC/15]


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A little screenshot story from DCS Black Shark. For a change. If you don't mind :).

We've gotta hurry. Georgia is moving over the border with at least a company. This unprovoked aggression must be stopped before it can even really begin. And I've got the tool for it...

01. Quick start-up, INS aligning, satellites not yet found

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02. Engines about to start

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03. Side panels

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04. Taking off from the ramp

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05. Best defense is decisive attack, these guys are burned to scrab metal already while on Georgia's side

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06. Do you smoke? No? Of course... Tobacco - you're it.

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07. Hmm... Looks like airborne troops are inbound. Atleast one or two platoons.

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08. Old but sexyh

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09. They tried across the border bridge from another direction as well. They didn't make it.

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10. Let's go "welcome" the Hueys...

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11. Over and from behind

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12. Burn baby burn

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13. One more to go, tough guys those Georgian boys

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14. Threat eliminated. Let's land.

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15. That was it, no hurry doing the shutdown

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