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A few flights

Derek McAllan

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G'day all,

Now that I'm back in action and happy with FSX's performance once more, I've started wearing out the "V" key  ;)

This is a collection from a few flights that I've done.  This first set was actually done before my Hard Drive died, but I never uploaded them.  I'm happy I got them back with the rest of the recovered data.  The flight is another of my OZx airfield searching journeys, this time I was looking for YMEW Mingenew Airfield, a location special to me as I spent a good chunk of my childhood roaming this district, exploring the nearby Irwin River and the Coalseam National Park.  I took off from YMRW Morowa for a leisurely winter's afternoon trip in the Mooney, with real weather provided by REX.  After locating the airstrip (with some difficulty I might add!!  I had forgotten that it runs right next to a road  :P) I landed briefly and continued on to Geraldton, taking in the Walkaway Wind Farm to the SE of Gero.

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Climbing out of Morowa in the late afternoon.  Lovely green winter fields, and a suggestion of rain ahead.

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Found it!  A tiny strip right next to the road, and far from flat  ;)

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Quick "pitstop" after landing and finding a convenient bush  ;D

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Heading into the Walkaway Windfarm, which is suprisingly expansive.  I've never seen it from the air before.

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As the sun dipped between the clouds and the horizon I was treated to one of those "REX" moments  :o

Here's a solitary pic from a scenic flight around Uluru that I took to show off FTX to some friends  :D

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And finally, this set is from a regional passenger run, Rockhampton to Cairns in the JS41 - my favourite small airliner by far!  I wanted to do a flight over water to see how my water and ENB settings looked at altitude, must say I'm pretty happy so far.

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Predawn preflight at Rockhampton, REX real weather.

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Making turn at the first waypoint

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Light Cu's down low from FL190

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It all seems to be working together now... cloud reflections aren't as overpowering as they used to be, and the water has a lovely glitter in the sunlight.  Yep, I think I'm happy with that.

Thanks for watching, hope you like  :)



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Guest Northwest Pilot

Beautiful shots Derek! Good to hear that you have your system humming and dialed in. Looking forward to the degradation of your V key.  ;)

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