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Icelandair B757 flight to Madrid, Spain (LEMD)

Vee One

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Hi all,

I posted these photos on an other forum. I posted them here as well as I am sure not all of you had the chance to see it there. So here goes!

I'll try to make the images speak for themselves. Just to say I flew from Keflavik, Iceland to Madrid, Spain with this wonderful QualityWings B757 with REX

This is the arrival to Madrid after a longish flight from Iceland. I flew east over the Faroe Islands, turned south over Scotland overflew the Wales, the west point of France to Madrid.

I hope you enjoy!

Posted Image

[img width=1120 height=700]http://lh4.ggpht.com/_E-XjM7fhots/TGps4XVwwwI/AAAAAAAACWs/6UXUR1_ibVc/Icelandair%20B757W%2002.jpg

[img width=1120 height=700]http://lh6.ggpht.com/_E-XjM7fhots/TGps46xgQuI/AAAAAAAACWw/TBUv5Sho4Nk/Icelandair%20B757W%2003.jpg

[img width=1120 height=700]http://lh3.ggpht.com/_E-XjM7fhots/TGps5Kw0FbI/AAAAAAAACW0/tqCr4dbWPWI/Icelandair%20B757W%2004.jpg

[img width=1120 height=700]http://lh5.ggpht.com/_E-XjM7fhots/TGps5TqZHqI/AAAAAAAACW4/GFB_TzhGut8/Icelandair%20B757W%2005.jpg

[img width=1120 height=700]http://lh4.ggpht.com/_E-XjM7fhots/TGpucWzM1UI/AAAAAAAACXA/mWoVoqmFSP0/Icelandair%20B757W%2006.jpg

[img width=1120 height=700]http://lh6.ggpht.com/_E-XjM7fhots/TGpucqbZZNI/AAAAAAAACXE/mH_72Lgio2A/Icelandair%20B757W%2007.jpg

[img width=1120 height=700]http://lh6.ggpht.com/_E-XjM7fhots/TGpuc7AkQ1I/AAAAAAAACXI/FodYagpk2rw/Icelandair%20B757W%2008.jpg

[img width=1120 height=700]http://lh4.ggpht.com/_E-XjM7fhots/TGpudH0Z7tI/AAAAAAAACXM/KGeW3Kek6h8/Icelandair%20B757W%2009.jpg



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