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What FSX version to buy?


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I am preparing all the software and keys for reinstalling everything once my new i7 rig comes in a week.

I can't find my FSX disks. I found my FS-2002 and FS-2004 set though. I'll look again, but if not I'll have to buy it again.

It's been so long I've had them I don't even remember. What version do I need? Gold or Deluxe? Then I have to by Acceleration IIRC?

I'd better look again, cause this is turning into more money, and I already spent enough (if the wife knew the details...)

Having a bout of CRS syndrome today.

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FSX Gold is on 3 DVD's one and two cover FSX RTM deLuxe and the 3rd disc is acceleration.  Installing all 3 gives you FSX + SP1 +SP2 all in one automatic package.  That is, do NOT install SP1 or SP2 if you have FSX Gold! ;)



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