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Help with planning an upgrade


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Hi, I am planning a much needed hardware upgrade (i7 9x etc) but this will not happen for a while. In the intrim I ponder on the merits of swapping my current system from Win7 32 to 64bit.

Can someone give me a bit of advice here, i.e. is that step alone worth all the effort of a system re-load (in terms of FSX performance)?

If so, I would also appreciate a quick guide to the process.

Cheers Anton....

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Most people swap from 32 to 64 bit because win7 64 addresses more memory, so if you have more than 4Gb of memeory, then changing to 64 bit can make a change to how you fly.

It would be foolish to say how big a difference, as each system is different.

You will also hear how Win7 32 bit has a lot more drivers available, but 64 has caught up a lot and very rarely will you have problems with driver support.

The other thing I will say is that I recently changed my productivity PC over from Win 7 32 bit to 64 bit.

There isn't an option to just upgrade, it puts a whole new install on, so make sure you back everything up.

Hope this advice helps,


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Definitely you want 64 bits if you want to use the juice of your new rig.

In my humble opinion, as you said you won't buy it now, wait till the PC market gets higher processors (i.e. the i9 from Intel) The i7's have been in the market for some time now so I don't think they'll be too long to take those i9 into Windows computers.

Apple just launched their 12 core computer, the Mac Pro. It's not cheap but if you can spend that and have it for many years, have a look at it. In any case they sell the same rig with 4 cores, 8 cores or 12 cores. With the included "boot camp" you can install Windows 7 64 bits and it includes all the necessary W7 64bit drivers in the Apple DVD, so after installing W7 you just insert the Apple DVD in W7 and it'll install all the computer drivers. I am writing in my Windows 7 64 bit of my MacBook Pro partition. :)


Hope this helps!  ;D

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