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HELP - FSX Using Two Displays Horizontal spanning


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What is your OS? I believe that is only supported in xp or earlier. If you have Vista or Win7, your only options are either TH2Go, or ATI's eyefinity.

One further option could be Softth, it's freeware but be prepared for some potential fiddling to get it working.


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Hello Guys,

Without stealling Aus_atc's thunder I have the issue. tim_A, not that I don't believe you but are we actually going backwards with OS's if WIN7 cannot span two monitors in FSX?

I have bought a second monitor with the intention of useing it for FSX and the darn thing just won't work, I thought it would have been fairly straight forward (as with other games) not only does FSX not display on the other monitor but the onther monitir is complety black, thereby not allowing any other type of program to run.

Not happy, will look on this thread for any replys and if I get the thing to work will post what worked for me.

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Without TH2GO or ATi's eyefinity GPU you can't span fsx across both screens. I use my second screen for Teamspeak, maps, as a electronic flight bag (youtube for example...) But you can't span it across the screen.

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Thanks for all the replies. I will look at the software option over the weekend. Looks like I might have to go with the Matrox product. I see that Matrox have a Dual Head2go, which is significantly cheaper.

Does anyone have experience with the Matrox solution. Specifically , what impact it has on fps.

Win7 does not have any option for spanning, I think that was lost after XP.

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Thanks for all the replies. I will look at the software option over the weekend. Looks like I might have to go with the Matrox product. I see that Matrox have a Dual Head2go, which is significantly cheaper.

Does anyone have experience with the Matrox solution. Specifically , what impact it has on fps.

Win7 does not have any option for spanning, I think that was lost after XP.

I use TH2GO Digital Edition with 3 monitors and WinXP, and it doesn't hurt FPS too much.  The biggest consideration is that with two monitors, the runway will tend to split between monitors, which was annoying to me, and why I went out and got a third monitor.  I run at 1280x1024 on each monitor instead of 1600x1200, because of a limitation in TH2GO.  Definitely recommend it.

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Ah you can and I have in W7 and Vista, .  You start FSX in Windowed mode and then stretch the window to cover the 2 monitors.

then click on the Maximise button.


I tried your suggestion, all I get when expanding the window over the two screens is a partly filled window , with black background filling the rest of the stretched window.

Looks like the Matrox solution is the go.

Thanks again for the suggestions

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Interesting did you have Wide Screen emulation on ?

With some graphics instalations you may only be able to set your task bar to auto hide and have the flight window dragged to full screen, this may be a Direct X constraint.

Otherwise try SOFT TH

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It doesn't matter what OS your using  as far as I am aware, the TH2GO does all the work and the graphics card in your PC see's one big monitor. like you say you can then use the additional socket to run an additional monitor.

Now using the regular 2 output graphics card I see no reason why you cannot use the SoftTH in FSX but there appears to be an issue with rendering only to the left monitor, I just checked the Web site and this glitch is currently being worked on.

I unplugged my TH2GO and tested my theory with multi monitors and could do as I outlined above with stretching the window but remaining in windowed mode.

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  Maurice your a smart man but I,ve tried your suggestion a long time ago and I have used XP32-64 Vista32-64 W764. At most XP would allow me to expand across two sceens but only part way on the second. Xplane allows you to do it no problem thats how I got hooked on Flight Simulator and when I couldnt do this with FSX I was pissed. Bullshit I say Microsoft thieving bunch of ^%$%*&^%*&.  How can one guy and a few helpers make it work and they wouldnt let one worker to programe that in? mmmm...or at least make it as simple to do. but noooo that would be tooo much.                                                                                                                                                                                            Anyway sorry for the rant. Whew! I've wanted to say that for 2-3yrs now. ;D:P>:(;)

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marshkop  if you could can you humor me and actually DROP your resolution in windowed mode and see if it will stretch,  reason being I have seen this issue with high resolutions because either the graphics card or driver or Game/Simulation  won't support  resolutions past a certain point.

That being said Dirt 2 won't support TH2GO all that well so I run auto hide on the task bar and windowed mode 2400 x 600 (3 X 4:3 monitors though) , That could be an issue too as FSX doesn't really like multiple widescreens  unless running TH2GO digital.

Now what you could do is run the VC over 1.5 monitors and the remaining space windowed GPS etc . just an idea.


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  Hey Maurice, I did try that and the same issue arose. Resolution was at 1024-768, 1248-1024 and 1600-1200. I've acctually tried a few. It acctualy worked with 800-600, but thats ridiculous. I want to run with the native res on my moniters.

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