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How can I open ports up in W7


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Its a long story but i need to open up or make sure

"TCP ports 1119 (Battle.net Connection) 1120 (Game connection, depending on your setup you may need Forward these ports"

Please can anyone walk me though how to do this, thx.

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Have you got any routers? I'm no networking expert but I thought that windows didn't block any ports? Well that's probably an all out lie as I am aware of the fact that the windows firewall does prevent connections between computers so I'm guessing it does block ports but I think its important to find out whether u have any routers or not as well as some of them certainly do have options to block ports.

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I have a hub, but what i am trying to connect to seems to be..well it is my PC because my Son can connect to where i am trying to with No Problems, he is win XP I am W7.

But when I try it lags out and the really strange thing is it screws my Internet connection up and i have to get W7 to repair it or reboot hub.

Nothing but this new game (SC2) is throwing up anthing like this, my internet is really good.

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Well in that case... for starters... try switching off the windows firewall and see whether that changes anything...

Here's a link I found which explains the win 7 ports quite nicely... have a try of this also


Also... go into cmd (command prompt... just type it in "searcg for prgorams and files" in 7 and its under run for xp) and try pinging your computer from ur sons computer...

type ipconfig first to see what the ip address is of your computer and then type... ping ... the ip address of your computer... this will quickly give you an indication as to the status of your connection.

I think there's also a way of finding out what ports starcraft 2 needs... I'm not sure how to do this... I think it might be in the manual somewhere...

I think this is as helpful as I can be... I'm not that great with networking... I usually play around with it until it works...

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If your game requires specific ports, then you can use only one computer at a time to connect using these ports. The reason is that to the outside world you have one IP address only and hence that port is only available once.



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First turn your firewall OFF in W7 if you have a router then you should not have nor need a firewall running on your PC .

Now see if you can connect the the server you seek,

If you CAN then you have a Firewall Port exclusion issue. 

Normally you can go to your firewall configuration in the Control; Panel and in the advanced tab for your Firewall settings  create an exception. this will be the same exception in your router.

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From the sound of it, if i understood correctly, ur son is plugged to unprotected hub, and your computer is connected to NAT protected hub. That doesn't allow you to open ports. If you can get info of your router or hub, go to www.portforward.com and select your router and then the game you want to open ports. It gives you simple steps to open the ports, but you need to go to routers control panel. The adress is typed in web browser and is usually something like 192.168.x.xxx

For example, my router has 2 nat-protected ports and 2 unprotected, and i have mine in the NAT protected. Then i just open correct ports with portforward.com guide and stuff works. Remember, you also need to get static ip, but portforward also has win 7 guide for that, too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ports OUT shouldn't be an issue with Plug 'n' Pray, and don't believe some of the guff on port forward regarding some types of modems and router's not being able to be configured for multiple ports as this is usually achieved by a trigger port,

Can you provide a schematic diagram of how your network is wired Nyxx as it might help  with your forwarding . ie type of router and hub etc.

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