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Bird Dog PNW!


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Thanks. The Bird Dog is now one of my favs.

You know how hard it is to take the last picture on final. Shooting and handling the stick at the same time. It isn't easy.

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Nice series of pics! :) I'm so tempted to get the Bird dog, been fighting it, but temptation is starting to get the best of me. :)


The euro exchange rate is still in our favor.  About $30 bucks for the Sibwings package.  The new ver 1.2 fixed a lot of gripes.  I like it a lot.

I flew the real deal as a check pilot for the Civil Air Patrol, about a hundred years ago.  Our biggest problem was teaching the tricycle gear guys not to put the prop into the concrete while making touch and gos.  We had a deal with the Army surplus outfit in Arizonia for brand new replacement props, McCauley 82 or 86 in, for $25 total including shipping.  We brought a lot of them.

This one flys just like I remember it.


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