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Having a Ball again


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An Early Departure, Things are still Dark, the clouds low and there's a stiff Breeze, I hope it clears up later this afternoon so I can test the new plane.

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Climb out's straight forward as I leave Concrete behind.. "come back soon" says the voice on the radio..

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I follow the river below until it forks and then as it snakes off to my left I check the view.

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I don't want to get much higher this is a short flight and the clouds below the tree line, best  to stay in the Valley!

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Exiting the valley the river forks again. I keep right, and in the distance I can see Darrington, breakfast awaits.

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As I fly the downwind leg, I check my position out the left window, The workers below in the timber yard begin work, and the cloud is beginning to lift and appears to be getting brighter.

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A voice on the radio crackles "hello" it's my buddy with the new plane.. I tell him to meet me at the coffee shop in 20 minutes, get the breakfast ready, and I pre-pair for Finals.

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Flaps deployed..

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Focus on the numbers

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OK it was a touch on the heavy side, but were down safely and that's what counts.. I can smell the pancakes and maple syrup :)

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Just got to finish the paper work and head off for breakfast.. this is  great little Airport..

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to be continued...

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Well, that was a fine Breakfast, and some great coffee too.

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Bob and I headed back to the strip, his lift home had just landed as I thanked him for the delivery and waved goodbye.

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And then with some excitement I prepared for departure and cranked the new plane into life.

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Man to say this is plush is an understatement, this might be too good for some of the strips up here but I'm cleared to taxi so lets go.

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Runway looks clear, were clear to depart.

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Wow this thing is sporty, gear up and then a 180 back towards the airport before climbing up, We cleared The Hill with room to spare :)

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For the Next 10 minutes the View below is little but Hills and Timber, there's a few different kinds but not much room for an emergency landing if you were forced!!

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The Clouds relatively low but clearing and up ahead i can see the Snow still lying on the mountains and Glaciers. As we get close i take a look.

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How Cool does that look? No wonder Bob said to checkout this valley, I've got to check this place out

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On the other side of the Valley from the Glaciers there's some amazing mountain lakes.

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I swung around for another view of the Glaciers and the mountain top.

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I thought I saw some backpackers on the ridge line below.. They looked like they were setting up a camp, probarbly a group of Geologists..

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How barren does it look, It's a long walk out from the top of those hills.. time to get with the plan.

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As I turn away from the Mountain tops and head towards the valley the contrast couldn't be more extreme.

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I drop down again towards the ridge line and over towards the next valley below

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Up ahead the terrain is flattening out, perhaps there's a chance for some fishing later on, I'll try hector on the radio when I get a bit closer.

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...to be continued ....

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These are absolutly amazing, flipping stunning!

Your first set of shots really caught my attention, but then.... wait... there was more!

The second installment with the overcast theme, you could almost taste the humidity in those ones...

And the last set was a great climax to your shots.

Fantastic stuff and hope to see many more from you.. thanks for sharing


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