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HUP to Airport-Data dot com


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Airport-Data.com - One-stop Aviation Information

Thought I would pass on a Head Up to http://www.airport-data.com/ (Tim_A gave a brief reference to this in a post in Feb 2010)

This is a great site for combining data on not only Airports but Aircraft as well.

The Airport data started off being only USA but is quickly expanding and includes AU and a lot of Europe. As well as a general airport and runway description, there are Airport charts and a Google earth map link.

Another major aspect of the site is a photographic database of Airplanes (not unlike Airliners.net, but with less stringent criteria) and Airports.

They also have a forum which I have joined and started my own 'Spotting database', which if you care to examine can be found by doing a search for 'anton' under the Photographers tab.

Cheers Anton....

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