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Time for some fun

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G'day all,

For today's set it's something totally new for me... the Lotus L39 Albatross!  A friend recommended it to me and -  :o OMG :o - I haven't had this much fun in the air outside of a glider.  Jets aren't usually my thing, well not for flying anyway - I've always had a soft spot for lines and design of small jet trainers and fighters... the BAe Hawk is a great example.  I've seen pics of the L39 on here and other forums, and knew it looked sweet - just never knew how much fun it was to fly!!  So anyway, here we go with the maiden flight of my little Albatross.

I've gone with the Pipsqueak racer model, because it is bold and bright, and I think the little upturned semi-winglets are cute.  Launching from RAAF Pearce Airbase to avoid all that pesky GA traffic around Jandakot, and because there's some nice scenery nearby.

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Right, I think I've figured out where all the important controls are... time to get this little show on the road in the air.  Flat out burn down Pearce Runway 36R and she hops lightly and nimbly into the air, climbing like the proverbial bat out of hell.

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Up to cloudbase, about 3000ft, and levelling off.  Time to test the controls out and find some limits.

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Totally Hot.  Can a small jet get any sexier than this?  I think not my friends, not until someone figures out how to get a replica of Uma Thurman flying anyway.

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Panic stations hit soon after that last pic.  I found out how easily I could stall this thing with too much elevator applied at speed.  No worries, easily recovered... wait... wtf are those noises?  Why has my engine died??  What the hell is that little impellor sticking out of the bottom of my plane?!?  Oh.  My engine iced up.  That'll teach me to fly in 4 degrees C weather through the clouds.  De-icer on, gentle glide down, restart engines... ahhhhh.  Heart rate dropping... vision clearing... sweat drying.  So here's a pic of me looking nice and relaxed in level flight back at a safe altitude  ;D

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About 6,000ft there was a sharp temperature drop and I started leaving contrails.  Flew around in loops and dives skywriting for a while  :D  Was quite happy to see the trails were persistent and looked quite speccy when viewed from down lower with the sun on them.  Shoulda hit "v" Derek, it's right there in front of you, you idiot.

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Now, who says Freetrack won't work with EZCA, hmm?!?  Yes, I too am now an EzDok convert, and hitting myself in the head for waiting this long.  Though if someone knows how to tell the EZCA profile that the Albatross is NOT a Large plane, I'd be grateful.  Spent a while flying around inverted and looking around enjoying the scenery.  Pearce Tower was probably wondering what the hell someone had spiked my morning coffee with at this point.

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Off to the Chittering hills for some low pass fun.  This thing handles like a dream flying fast and low, and I had a ton of fun weaving in and out of all the tight little gullies, flying below ridge height and buzzing farms.

If I'm gonna sum up my first flight in the L39 in one word, then that word in gonna be w00t!!11!1!!!1!!11  So, so much fun to be had here, I can see myself spending a lot of time in this awesome little plane.  To quote...

At length did cross an Albatross,

Through the fog it came;

As if it had been a Christian soul,

We hailed it in God's name.

Unlike the mariner of the tale, I'll not be shooting this one down  ;)



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