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Goin' Green in the Duke

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FTX AU Green, that is  :D

Seeing as I've been spending most of my flying time in my home state of Western Australia, I thought it's high time to spread my wings - so to speak - and see some more of our wonderful country.  So for this set, I thought I'd make a visit to tropical north Queensland, and a flight from Rockhampton down to the Whitsunday Coast and a landing on Hamilton Island.  Flying in my favourite relaxed cruising bird, the Duke, my course took me out over Magnetic Island, then straight down along the coast crossing Cape Upstart, Bowen, Airlie Beach and then the short hop out to Hamilton Island.

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Takeoff, YBTL Runway 01 Townsville International.  Pretty breezy and climbing hard over a wonderfully modelled airport.

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About to reach cloudbase, about 3000ft over Rowes Bay and making for Magnetic Island.  Quite overcast, although the weather is apparently clearer further to the south.

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Turning Southeast over Orchard Rocks.  Nearly at my cruising altitude, 4500ft, with dense cloud rolling in from the Northeast.

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Somewhere Southeast of Mt Elliot.  Such a sexy bird  8)  Heading back down to 2500ft to enjoy the scenery.

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Over the Bowling Green Bay National Park, I think that's Sheepwash Creek below me.  Nice mangroves and tidal flats.

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The aptly named Mud Creek, near Ayr.

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Farming land east of Ayr.  The clouds are beginning to break up noticeably now, weather looks good ahead.

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Just past Airlie Beach, leaving the Conway National Park behind me.  On the final stretch  :)

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On downwind for YBHM Hamilton Island Runway 32.  Dent Island in the foreground, and the destination beyond.

Overall, a lovely flight and most enjoyable with plenty to see.  I've decided I don't like the REX Sparkling wave theme at all, and am going back to the one I normally use, REX FTX.  I'll be doing a whole lot more flying around here, it's such a pretty part of the Australian coast.



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