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Milviz 310R for Microsoft Flight Simulator now available on OrbxDirect!


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Perfecting a Classic It's been a long time coming, but as the saying goes: Good things come to those that wait!


We have a long history with the 310, with very well known and widely respected versions released over the past decade for previous simulation platforms. However, with the increased freedom available to us within Microsoft Flight Simulator, we've chosen to take the longer (and more rewarding) path of starting fresh. Regardless of whether or not you've experienced one of our previous versions of this lovely aircraft, you're in for a surprise!



$58.00 AUD
Sales tax will be calculated at checkout where applicable.
US$40.69 | €38,49 | £32.68
USD, EUR, GBP estimates only






Features, features, and more features! Feature creep: A tendency for product or project requirements to increase during development beyond those originally foreseen.


A common theme throughout the development process of our 310R has been all of these cool ideas we've had... as well as the total inability to say 'NO' to any of them!


Of course the MV310R has expected features such as the outstanding soundset that perfectly replicates the rumble of the twin 285hp IO-520-M engines, a wealth of live-swappable avionics packages, the ability to open the doors and windows with the resulting changes in sound, a visual accumulation of icing and frost on the windows and fuselage, full interactive checklists, VR compatibility, etc. But also, we've focused on including lots of things that aren't as immediately obvious: 3D passengers and luggage that visually varies depending on the weight set in a particular station; beautifully animated inflatable de-ice boots on all leading edges; visible dirt that accumulates on the exterior of the aircraft; clutter and mess that accumulates on the INSIDE of the aircraft... we even have surprises in store for those who want to explore the cabin of the MV310 and peek in every nook and cranny.








$58.00 AUD
Sales tax will be calculated at checkout where applicable.
US$40.69 | €38,49 | £32.68
USD, EUR, GBP estimates only

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