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Catastrophic Disaster

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Via my ancient backup (old fs2004) computer:

Last night I set up O&O Defragger to defrag my primary hard drive in order to run all night so it would be finished before noon today. I shut off the monitor since I did not want to burn any images into it, and went to bed. This morning I got up early and forgot that my computer was running and I tried to turn it on, thereby turning it off. So the machine stopped partway through the defragment.

Even though that sort of thing has happened before, this time it would not come back. I have tried rebooting many times but no go. Windows will not start even in safe mode. When it offers to fix itself by putting in the Windows DVD, it does not recognize or see it when I do. I have done every combination I can think of, including trying to instruct the bios to respond to the Windows 7 DVD, all no joy! I even took the panels off and checked all the connections, the leads into the DVD, the Sata drives, the mother board, all without remedy.

I don't know if my actions damaged the harddrive, the motherboard or what, as their appears to be no feedback. The bios runs OK, so I think it must be the drive that may be damaged. I just ordered a new one on Newegg.ca so when it comes I think I am faced with the prospect of a new install of everything. The good thing is I have FSX fully backed up on another drive. I also have windows backed up on another drive, but can not access it.

If anyone has any insight, or wants to mock and insult me for being so careless and stupid, please let me know as I am receptive to anything from anyone right now! I feel stupider than a sack of hammers. Anyone know how to force the bios to read the Windows CD?

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Spirit Flyer,

Sorry to hear of your loss..... I had something similar happen a few months back. System would not boot after an inproper shutdown. What I ended up doing is Reinstalling Windows 7 from the DVD. During the install I just re-partitioned the hard drive, formatted, and continued the install. Then I just did my recovery from backups. I think your hard drive is fine and that you just corrupted it. OOPS! Did not read that the Win 7 DVD when inserted did not recognize your hard drive.


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I read that your computer does not react to windows 7 dvd when inserted? Are you sure you have the right boot device priority in bios? In there you can set your dvd drive first, so computer tries to load info from dvd before HDD, so you can repair (i suggest delete partition and create new one) the hard drive, install new windows 7. But i'd cancel the new HDD, becouse this is most likely software problem, not hardware, and your HDD will most likely work after deleting the partition and creating new one and installing windows 7 on it.

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Well, just talking about the O&O defag on your other post Stephen . This post has made me aware of dangers that I was not aware of at all . Living and learning . I know you can close the defrag at any time without a problem but did not know of the dangers when accidently turned off.

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Glad to read, Stephen, that it all ended up by "just" reformatting the HD. As if the FSX wasn't bad enough... I just hear my better (?) half asking me - what'n'hell can you do on that stupid computer all day long anyway?!  :)

Cheers, Vlad

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