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nVidia 197.45 control panel settings

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Could please anybody share some good settings for nVidia CP (AA, AF et cetera) which may work well with my mid performance PC?

I'm not too much eye-candy oriented, so I would like to know the parameters to get some smooth performance above visual quality.

Thanks in advance.

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Here is something I pulled out of archives .  I think I got it from Mozz and I believe he doesnt have a turbo/supercharged rig but flys just fine.

In my case I reduced the AF because I could and some of these settings will cost frames , so I trim down to the lowest piont

Nvidea settings

AF                                              16X

AA Gamma                                    ON

AA Mode                                        Enhance Application

AA Trans                                        Supersampling

Comformant Texture Clamp                Use Hardware

Error Reporting                                OFF

Extension Limit                                OFF

Force Mip Maps                              Trilinear

Rendered Frames ahead                    5

Multi Display etc                              Single Performance Mode

Texture filtering Anisotropic sample    OFF  (MASKED)

Texture filtering Neg LOD Bias            Clamp

Texture filtering Quality                    High Quality

Texture filtering Trilinear Optimization  OFF  (MASKED)

Threaded Optimization                      ON

Triple Buffering                                  ON

Vert Sync                                          Use 3D Hardware setting

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