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FSX & HDD question

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Currently my fsx is installed standard C: drive with all other software i use, i have read here thats you get better texture performance with fsx on its own drive, i have no major issues with textures other than the trees, no matter what aircraft i use... default, freeware or payware, i get some trees load in the scenery and then more pop up afterwards which is very distracting when flying, this happens within 1 and 2 nm of the aircraft. i used the tweak max trees to 1000 which made it less obvious.

i have what i think is a good system, so to help with loading of textures, autogen and what ever else i am going to put fsx onto its own drive but what is the best choice...my drives currently are 2x 500G 7200rpm (Raid 0), 1x 1TB storage

my options are - 1. set a partition on C: just for fsx

                          2. get a velociraptor

                          3. get a SDD

if i go either option 2 or 3 at first it will just be a single drive until later having two for a raid

which option would be best and do you think it will stop the tree popups?

thanks in advance

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