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Should i upgrade to win 7


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Hi Guys

I am running windows xp at the moment 32 bit should i up grade to windows 7 and which pack should i get.Now i want to keep the old hard drive with xp and i want to buy a new hard drive and put windows 7 and the reinstall fsx .what do you recommend i do.


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Windows 7 is definently the way to go and it is quite quick as well (compared to Vista).  Any pack will do (home premium, professional, ultimate) but I recommend going for the 64bit version.  I found there to be a small performance jump over the 32 bit version.  Keeping XP would be fine, you just point the Windows 7 installation to the new hard drive and it will leave your XP installation alone and setup to dual boot for you (windows 7 would be default).  IMO you're probably better off just dumping XP and putting Windows 7 and all your apps on one drive and giving FSX its own drive.  Only thing with going to 64bit will be getting the drivers for all your hardware which shouldn't be too hard depending on the age of your system.

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Computor was built in nov 2008

windows xp 32 bit single OEM

intel duo core e8500 3.16ghz

4gb ram ddr2-800

GF9800 GTX 512mb DDR3 HDMI Pcle video card

500 GB hard drive

that should run windows 7 ok i hope


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Craig, From the three reply's you have received, I can't add anything to theirs, other than my concern that you are wanting to cut corners in hopes of ending up with a machine that will perform to the ultimate, and that cannot be done. Look closely at how these three have their machines equipped, and you can tell that they are serious simmers, not wanting to have to deal with an under powered, ill-equipped PC. If you want to be happy  ;D, do yourself and a favor and hold out til you can afford to to it right! I have gone through three machines trying to cut corners, and now I am going to do it right myself. Just sign me "Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired" of having to cut my settings back to nothing in order to have a smooth running machine.


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In terms of performance I have absolutely no problems with Win 7. Some things it does way quicker than XP, for example when you click shutdown, I believe it force closes the open programs and as soon as you click shutdown, pretty much instantly, the computer is shut down. On the flip side, I'm still not totally converted to it compared to XP. Some things are just plain annoying and still make me reminisce about XP. Alt tab has a preview of the whole screen now and I just find it too disortientantating compared to the good old XP way of doing it... i.e. application logos. Alos, with XP, you can see which program you have open in the task bar as the button or shortcut or whatever you want to call it was clearly selected. With windows 7, it's all fancy and 3D with shadows and lighting and this and that and I always end up clicking the wrong window and it's really annoying as now the selected window is "lit up" but its lit up in the same colours as the lighting accents on the other bars and when I firt got 7, I wasn't even able to figure out which of the programs I had open at all. Now I've gotten used to it a but more but still... takes some time to transition to 7 over XP. KISS is something they seemed to try to do but in the end, they didn't follow that principle too closely with 7 and in the end, some parts are easier, some parts are just a pain in the ass! Overall though, the performance boost (maybe it just seems fast because I only started using 7 with my new comp) but I think the OS is pretty quick over all so in that regard I think it's a pretty big brownie point for 7.

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Do yourself a favour and upgrade to W7 64 - do not hold off - why would you want to hold off - you have everything to gain and nothing to lose?

I upgraded an AMD core duo to win 7 64 and noticed an immediate improvement in FS - the scenery smoothed out and was no longer stuttering - it did nothing for the frame rates, which people are getting so hung up about - rather it smoothed out the scenery.

When using XP 32 and had a 186 meg document with images in open office - when scrolling the pages, the rendition of the pages was jerky and I had to wait for the images to load before scrolling to the next page - Win 7 64 - all smoothed out and was able to scroll the pages with out waiting for the images to load - they were there in an instant and that was on the PC that had XP on it.

I have also had WIN 7 32 on an old PIII 300mhz PC and was surprised at how well it ran - it was quite usable but I did not try that PC with FSX though but as a back-up PC it was certainly usable.

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