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Drzewiecki Design RJAA Tokyo Narita now available on OrbxDirect - P3Dv4+ and XP11


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Drzewiecki Design RJAA Tokyo Narita for P3D4+ and X-Plane 11 now available on OrbxDirect






Both versions feature a high quality model of RJAA Narita airport in Tokyo, with extensive details throughout the whole airport and performance-friendly interior modeling at terminal buildings, control towers, and some hangars. 

Additional features for X-Plane version

  • SAM animated jetways, VGDS and marshallers
  • Custom animated vehicles
  • Optional static aircraft
  • Advanced lighting
  • Extensive mesh design with precise runway vertical profiles
  • PBR materials
  • Significant orthophoto coverage


Additional features for P3Dv4+ version

  • SODE jetways & VGDS compatibility
  • Custom animations
  • Advanced rwy/twy weather-dependent lighting
  • Dynamic lighting
  • PBR materials
  • Optional static aircraft with docked jetways
  • Ground handling vehicles
  • Extensive mesh design



Purchase RJAA Tokyo Narita for X-Plane 11                                                   Purchase RJAA Tokyo Narita for P3Dv4+

$31.95 AUD

US$24.36 | €20,24 | £17.86

USD, EUR, GBP estimates only


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