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Forum Problem: Show unread posts since last visit.


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I suppose there isn't a forum support forum so I post this here. Move it out/delete if needed... This is not a biggie. Just FYI in case there is something simple wrong but easily fixable.

I'd say 8 out of 10 times clicking "Show unread posts since last visit." from top left of forum will produce:

"No unread topics found since your last visit. Click here to try all unread topics."

Sounds like there's a problem with comparing dates ("unread-since-last-visit-date" vs. "all-unread-with-no-date" check). i18n related problem or just a bug?

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No, it would be cookie related, you most likely have to high security settings on your machine

Sounds odd since it sometimes works, sometimes not. Same exact environment with no security changes in between requests.

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Do you have Win 7 and IE8? I have noticed this quite regularly, not only with this forum. I get around it by clearing all messages after each forum vist, so the next time I only see new posts high lighted.


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