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Radeon 5850 won't boot, Is anyone from Shepparton?


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Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the ambiguous topic title, but I just bought a Gigabyte 5850 from CPL in Melbourne when I was down for the weekend, then brought it up to Shepparton, to find my system won't boot.

All the online forums lead me to conclude it's one of 2 possible issues: the board is dead, or there's not enough power.

I run a Corsair VX450W PSU which, according to extremepsucalculator is just enough (does the board run full power on boot?)

The board's fans run, but it doesn't get to POST, and just has the continuous beep to say the board isn't connected properly (I put in my old 3850 again and it's fine).

I took out all RAM, and unplugged the hard drives and DVD, which gave it a bit more power (enough to trigger the monitor), but not enough to power it up to POST.

I'm asking if there's anyone here from Shepparton kind enough to put my board in their comp (I'm only new up here and don't know anyone yet) to double check it's the PSU.  I would send it back to CPL if the postage wasn't so expensive.

Thank you for any help,


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That PSU from my understanding would be about 100 watts minimum short and have you got the second power plug plugged into the graphics card.

Have you told the bios to use the PCIe Card as default boot Display, Some MoBos revert to onboard in the event of either a failure or non detection of the graphics card.

You may have a dead Card too

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Hi Maurice, thanks for your reply,

The current PSU only has one PCI-e power plug, so I used the supplied Molex-PCI-e adapter as well (which works, as I tried the adapter on the 3850's single input and it powered on).

I have told the bios to use the PCIe card as default, but with the new card it doesn't even get to bios.  I reset the CMOS before taking the old card out, then changed the display setting in bios.

I'm leaning towards buying a Corsair TX750, as the local computer guy didn't want to test my card due to warranty.  Postage to the country is a killer though :(

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Have you got access to another PSU ? if not just buy a reasonable one after all it should last you a while 750 Watt should be fine.

Have you tried the MoBo with a different Graphics Card altogether?

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I don't have access to another PSU unfortunately, which is why I was hoping there's someone in Shep willing to help out.  The computer guy didn't have a spare one more powerful than my current one, and the other comp shops were gonna charge just to look at it.

CPL said they'll ship the TX750 for $20, so I guess it isn't bad at all.

I've only ever had my mobo with the 3850.  Is it possible that the mobo (AMD 770 chipset) could not be compatible with the graphics card?

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i would say you need a bigger PSU with more on the 12V rail to boot that card, on the amd website its suggested Min. 500W PSU for that card, then by the time you add other componets your probablly lacking power

if you were closer to wollongong i'd suggest test it here, for now though start with a better PSU

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If everything is working when you have the 3850 plugged in then I would also suggest that you are in need of a new PSU. Also check that while pulling around at your power cabling in the case you did not accidentally dislodge the secondary power feed to the CPU. (4 wire plug)

I remember when i did a small upgrade of a 9600GT to a 9800GTX I needed a new PSU due to random shutdowns of the PC. That fixed the problem straight away.

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Guest AS355F

You could try running your cpu at stock to test the psu. Overclocking cpu's does suck a lot of extra power.

I had to test a 5870 in another system and it had an el cheapo Gigabyte 430w psu and it ran perfectly.

I'm guessing your card might be a DOA in which case you are entitled to a replacement. If it is DOA then don't put up with any shenanigans from the shop, they have to swap you a new one from their stock and pay for ALL the postage. Threaten them with the ACCC if they get nasty.

Either way good luck with it. The 5850 is a nice card.

Just a thought...

The constant beep indicates a GFX error.

Actually one thing you can try is rubbing an eraser down the gold fingers on the PCIe connector on the card. Sometimes they get contaminated and don't make a good contact. Just don't use one of those rough "ink" erasers.

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Well, after testing it in Peter's computer with a 550w PSU, the card still wouldn't boot.  The fans were running, but the system just started up without even recognising the card was in there (it automatically used the on-board VGA).  With Peter's 4870 in it, the on-board VGA didn't switch on, so that part of it wasn't an issue.

So it looks like I do have to go through the motions with CPL to get a new card sent up.  I might still get a bigger PSU anyway, so I'll get them to combine the postage back up here.

Thanks for the input guys, will report back when all is hopefully well.

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I'd recommend you get a bigger PSU anyway. I donated an older GPU that I had to a friend, and it worked but we couldnt get his system to boot from the dvd drive and install an O/S.. worked fine with the old card.. not with the newer GPU.. we replaced the PSU and everything was sweet. 450W is too low for such a card, at load you'd be really pushing that PSU it wont be efficient, there will be lots of heat in the psu and eventually the psu will fail. in addition as the load on the psu gets towards 100% of it's capability the voltage will fluctuate and the system could become unstable as a result..

Simply put, as a wise old sage said to me. Don't skimp on PSU's or Memory, and you wont go far wrong. Also understand that PSU's often have multiple 12v rails.

The best PSU's imho are single rail psu's i.e. all the connectors are connected to the one power source, see the wikipedia link on Multiple +12 V Rails to understand the issues with voltage rails..


Choose wisely and good luck.

Cheers Maurice.

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Yes well you have done what I would call logical fault diagnosis, and I concur the PSU is likely a bit light on for the total wattage (Remember the running wattage will be lower than the start up but system start-up is often when low power issues show up.)

It sounds like your new Card my be a faulty unit, and as frustrating as this is , with mass production it is bound to happen.

Keep us posted.

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Well I called CPL, and they were happy to help.  They don't think that either the 450w or 550w was powerful enough, and that even if I send it for testing and get a new one, I'd need a new PSU anyway.  So I ordered the Corsair HX750w PSU, and will see if that works.  They said if they test my GPU and don't find a fault, they'll charge $15, which was nearly the price of postage of the PSU, so here I wait in anticipation (with my 3 shiny new 19" LCDs begging for some Eyefintiy video input :P).

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I'm not blaming anyone for the mistake except myself.  Normally when I build a system I put more power than needed for the overhead.  I somehow thought I'd get away with 450w, given my amperages were all sufficient but my mind lapsed and didn't count for the overhead this time.

Like I tell my students at school, mistakes are the best thing we can do because they're the only way we learn.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everyone,

Well I'm almost there! The new card arrived (after a few postage complications) yesterday, and runs beautifully.  It is much quieter than I expected, aided I assume by its numerous heat pipes and dual fans.  The performance in FSX is noticably smoother.

I still don't have the EyeFinity working as I had bought a passive DisplayPort to DVI adapter, when in fact I needed an active one :(.  So my planned weekend of immersive gaming has been pushed back until my DP->VGA adapter arrives.

They do say patience is a virtue, but 3 weeks after the initial purchase is pushing it!  :P

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