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Fixed the Graphical Artefact issues & crashes

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I have fixed the problem completely and urge others having this problem to try this... you have nothing to lose:

I realised it’s probably not a nvidia driver issue as I’ve tried so many all uninstalled/installed in the correct way.

Then I though, when did all this start happening?.... hmmmm?....

Well I remember when I first saw these graphical artefacts, I took a V key picture of it....

The picture was taken on the 7th April, so something on or before that date got installed/changed in my system that has been causing this....... Then it clicked!!

I have had a few Windows 7 updates installed since this time, so curiously, I went to the updates and could see that 3 or 4 had been installed... so I uninstalled all windows 7 updates from middle of March just for good measure....

Done the usual, CClean and Registry clean and re-boot...

With all sliders maxed and bufferpool=0, all to punish my GPU, I set off on a test flight around  the Oregon area (as this is quite dense scenery)

Totally amazed that the problem has gone!

I continuously flew for an hour or more and kept switching  views, excessive panning around and no artefacts or crashes!

So, give it a try and uninstall Windows 7 updates at a time you started noticing this problem!

....oh and I have the l have driver 169.21 installed

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