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KBVS taxiway alignment


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I have been flying in and out of KBVS for a while in X-plane 11. Today, I used MSFS2020 to see how it compares with the Orbx scenery. I found that I prefer the Orbx scenery in X-plane.


I found one discrepancy in the way the Orbx scenery displays the taxiway leading from the terminal to runway 29 when compared with MSFS2020.  Orbx has the taxiway leading to runway 29 make a 45 degree turn toward the end of the runway. From the hold short line, a plane must make a 135 degree right turn to line up on the runway. In MSFS2020, the taxiway makes a 90 degree right turn to the hold short line, then another 90 degree turn to line up on runway 29.  I checked the airport diagram I have for KBVS and Google Earth. Those 2 resources agree with the way MSFS2020 has the taxiway displayed. Perhaps the next time KBVS is checked for an update, this could be corrected. 

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