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Central Not Finding MSFS 2020


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Operating system:  WIn 10

Simulator:  P3dV5 HF2 and MSFS 2020


Issue:  Orbx Central 4.1.22 not able to find MSFS 2020




I installed the premium deluxe version of MSFS and it is running correctly.  However, Orbx Central only finds P3D V5.  I tried rescanning my computer to detect simulators but it did not work.  The Fix Issues link also does not have any information.  I have attached my central.log below.  What does Central look for when scanning for MSFS 2020?









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My previous post on this went into a topic that had resolved on it, and seems to have been missed. I did everything above, cleaned out all references to Orbx Central, and removed folders so that a new install of Central 4.1.22 needed a fresh log-in. But still when the program logged-in. it came up with just Aerofly and P3Dv4, and the "Re-scan…" button just had a waiting icon, not the button text "Re-scan…" Clicking "Fix issues"  produced a list which didn't have MSFS on it, and no re-scanning produced anything different. I installed MSFS yesterday on the default drive, and it's definitely working, including Leeds/Brdaford which I bought and installed through Central yesterday! All very mysterious…

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Update: after another reinstall and clear-out, and a reboot, I now have Central recognising MSFS. But it didn't find Leeds/Bradford and insisted on a re-download which it put in a new library folder. Doesn't seem to have duplicated Leeds/Bradford in the sim though!

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