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Need help moving Orbx scenery from v4.5 to v5

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I followed the procedures set forth in this post. I migrated and verified all my compatible v4 sceneries to a v4 library and then moved them over to a v5 library:




After moving the files I restarted Orbx Central and selected P3D v5. All the sceneries I moved to the v5 library are listed but none are checked green. If I select a scenery I get the option to install it. This is very time-consuming to say the least. According to the above post, I thought I would only have to click Verify and I'd be set. But there is no Verify button until after I go through the install process. I went ahead and installed a few sceneries as a test and they displayed the green check. Then I launched P3D v5 and it recognized all the sceneries in the v5 library, not just the ones I had installed, and had me confirm them. I then flew in the area I had installed and the Orbx scenery was there. I shutdown P3D and launched Orbx Central. But again only those sceneries that I manually installed before my test flight had green checks. I tried the Sync Simulator thinking that might help, but my sceneries are still not checked green. How do I get Orbx Central to recognize all the sceneries in the v5 library without going through the time-consuming process of installing each one?




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