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Little NavMap - show "names"

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At Return to Misty Moorings, we've created over 700 "way points"  for all the locations. When showing a flight plan in Little NavMap, there is a column for "name" and another for "ident". Our RTMM Airports show up as "Name = Misty Moorings"  and "Ident = PF20".  For the way points, the ident shows up fine, but the name column remains empty, even though each of these has been given a name when they are created. Is there something special we need to do with the way points to make the NAME show, not just the ident?  I'm attaching a screenshot so you can see PF20 Misty's Place showing fine, but R279A (which is Silver King Lodge) the name does not show. Perhaps we are leaving something out when we are creating the user point?


Thank You,

Doug Linn/RTMM


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