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Orbx Global Base causing odd problems to P3D

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To whoever reads this,


I have been getting issues with P3D on and off for a while since probably March of this year. I have also upgraded my windows from 7 to 10 and I think doing so done something funny to the sim e.g. I always run the sim as an administrator, when I do start it the main menu where you select aircraft, location, weather and date/time, normally you would choose a different craft and location before selecting OK to fly, but if I choose any of the options featuring on the menu the sim starts like the OK option has been chosen but never been touched, it loads the sim almost normal while it is loading and finished loading the menu remains in the way of the screen. there is sound from your craft which is the default choosen f22 jet and location also defaultly choosen some place in the US forgotten the name of location.
I have uninstalled p3d completely and reinstalled and after doing so it worked normally, but then it did it again after installing an Orbx Product e.g. Global Base Pack.
I need some assistance to this issue.

P.S. Sim Version: P3D V4.5 HF3.

Windows 10.


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