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Double installation of Oregon TE?

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I installed True Earth Oregon into a custom Orbx Library I call 'Orbx Official Library'.  But if you look at the folder tree you can see I have two installations:




And you can see the duplication in the Scenery Window but not the add-on window:






So my question is what course to remedy would you recommend?  I don't mind deleting Orbx Central and starting from scratch but I don't care to download TE Oregon again as it is about an 8 hour download for me.  I started the 'Verify Files' button but that seemed to start a whole new download and installation...  is that what happens if you perform a verify on products or move a product to a different library?


I do have a backup of the FTX_NA folder with the four main Oregon folders... SCENERY, CVX, MESH, and CUSTOM.  Maybe I can delete Orbx Central and copy over those folders to start anew rather than a 3rd time downloading?  Yes, I understand the scripts might need editing? 


Looking forward to your reply.



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Never mind regarding the above.  So I deleted everything according to your forums to start fresh.  Re-installed Orbx Central and to my surprise it listed all my owned products, past folders for saving, etc.  How is that.  I thought everything was deleted but apparently not.  What file/path is containing that information?

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