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how i create my screens...

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hello brendanstacey,

here my secret  ;)

Antialiasing 8x

anisotropic 16x

with the sotfware FSScreen, I made a picture :

Posted Image

With photoshop i use CROP TOOL :

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After that  I resize the screens :

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I use unsharp mask by default

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i change the contrast :

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et voila :

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and the screen in the forum

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it's very easy to do.

see you later


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Thanks for that Oliver. But I was actually reffering to your in game settings (real time rendering). I noticed that in your settings from another post had the texture and mesh resolution sliders not all the way to the right as fsx doesnt utillise those resolutions. So does having those sliders all the way to the right which isn't necassary impact on blurries and the time textures take to load?

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I'm so sorry brendanstacey i didn't understand your old reply... :-\

now I'm not sure to understand your question:

So does having those sliders all the way to the right which isn't necassary impact on blurries and the time textures take to load?

which isn't necassary impact on blurries

no, but i think that Anti-aliasing and anisotropic are important, i'm not the same blurries between AA 2/4x and 8/16x and the same thing for anisotropic.

and the time textures take to load

I think yes because there is more calcul for the computer so the texture of the ground for exemple load slowly.

I don't know if I answered correctly at your question

sorry for my english


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