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G'day, just reinstalled my fsx and all addons, attempting to access fsx.cfg but search will not find it and i cannot access documents and settings to get to it, the folder has a padlock on it and although i have administration rights i cannot get to it, the recycle bin in the same place has a padlock and i can access that,

has anybody else come across this problem? is there a fix?


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Geez this is a bit of a chestnut isn't it :)

Depends on the OS mate you will find your fsx.cfg


C:\Documents & Settings\~USER~\Application Data\Microsoft\FSX\fsx.cfg

Windows 7


Hope this has helped

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Well Sir I'd suggest you use the infamous Windows Search and see if it finds it .

rather strange you cannot see the fsx.cfg file .

A couple of additional questions though, have you gone deep enough in the directory path opening the FSX subdirectory ,

and are you file extensions visible.

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Had a similar problem, then I realised I had hidden files and folders unchecked.

I went to the View tab under folders and selected "Show hidden files and folders" and the Roaming folder appeared.

Hope this helps,


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Try This

Right click on locked folder and select properties.

Then to the security tab.

Go to advanced option.

Then select the Change permissions.

Check the Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions of object.

This should do it if its what I have interpreted with what you posted.

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Thanks jnrjim, i sort of did that, i had to change a few more things with permissions and parent folders and such i also had to change original user names and a few other things but you got me on the right track



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest J van E

For those who don't want to fool around with permissions and so on or simply can't find it in Windows 7: copy this into the Start search window and hit Enter:


That's it.

If you want to edit the cfg more often, to do various tweaks or whatever, don't hit Enter after pasting the line into the Search window, but rightclick the fsx.cfg (which you will see in the search results list) and choose Copy to Desktop (make a shortcut).

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Guest J van E

Question is... if I make hidden folders invisible again... will REX be able to find the file still?

Yes. The visibility options are only there to prevent regular users from getting to files they normally shouldn't get to (because they might do stupid things with them). The OS itself and other programs can see everything on your computer, no matter what the setting is.

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A power user will have all files and folders and file extensions visible, why file extensions are not visible in a virgin system is beyond me because in the case of various games and simulations you can't tell what is and .ini .cfg. etc to be able to edit it should the need arise.

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