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Getting Use to P3Dv5 & Work Arounds!

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1.  Cleanup the old messes before launching yourself into a NEW simulator.


a.  Save all of your downloads into a good storage unit ( at least 5 TB).

b.  Make a text sheet for ADDON SCENERY, ADDON AIRCRAFT, OTHERS.  need item name, any serial numbers, & Passwords.

c. Three 1TB SSD's to support Flightsim drive, Scenery Libraries, and backup Scenery.

d.  Issue resolving:  make a text sheet for each best answer to a problem, setup configs,etc.  This will keep you from going nuts.

e.  When something doesn't work the way you think it may, then you have your 'sheets' to review and if needed seek help with knowledge.

f.  For a computer which has had more than 1 install of flightsim stuff jammed everywhere at multiple times, you may need to do a 'Microsoft Refresh'.  This will clean up the thousand things in you registry.  This is quick and you start out with an almost new setup.


My flightsim setup is:  P3DV5, Orbx base (100%) Worldwide Scenery,  Multiple addon airports, Pilot's Mesh and Weather.  Lowest frame rate I have noticed was in the upper 30s, highest frame rate in the 70s.  There is never an average because of terrain, altitude and weather, but I am experiencing around a solid 42-58.  Starting with a clean sheet is always better.  Have that backup Orbx scenery and you can do a new setup in a day.

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