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Project C.O.B. FAKE?


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Breaking News.

Our sources here at Channel 10 News have discovered that the recently released Project C.O.B., was in fact, a fake.

The "Fallon Aircraft Kit Enterprises" paint job for the CRJ default FSX aircraft was a cleverly designed dupe whilst the real Project C.O.B was given more time for completion.

Channel 10's inside source has revealed that the real Project C.O.B will actually be released shortly for use with the brand new ORBX release of YBBN.

Our sources also say that the freeware package will include a land based vehicle and two aircraft as a special tribute to the outstanding work at YBBN.

When pressed for further details, all our sources could say, was that the packages would be released shortly after YBBN.

Angela Blackberry, Channel 10 News.

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Months have passed and Mr. W has been busy, distributing a bogus product,readying for the final announcement.

W's mobile phone rings and he answers it.

"W, here."

"W., this is C. Just saw the Breaking News on the TV. How is it going at your end?"

"We've been ready for months, Mr. C. I do have one request, though? I'd like Charlie to be at the launch, if you don't mind. After all, he put in the hard yards, as well, for quite a few months. I think it's only fair."

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"Fair......he was gonna take your job!"

There is a moment's silence.

"oh, allright, he's in Alice at the moment, I'll tell him to get his baggy arse on a flight straight back to you. But you're in charge, Get iT!"

The phone goes dead.....brrrrrr

W. hangs up.A smile creeps across his face.

"That's it, C.O.B. on short finals."

Shortly after, in Alice Springs, Charlie boards a jet headed back to Hangar 51.

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..and theres me thinking this project went down the gurgler all that time ago. All those secretive late night meetings are not wasted after all. Land based vehicle and TWO aircaft...wow, the suspense continues !!

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