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Rarified air in the F-86


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Is there something wrong with that paint?

I notice it has RAF roundels on the upper wing surfaces and RAAF roundels on the fuselage and I don't see a squadron marking anywhere.

I'll check it in the funk & wagnells........


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Checked it out and my apologies, it appears that we, indeed flew the sabre with RAF decals on the wings and RAAF decals on the fuselage.

My bible also tells me that this aircraft is a representation of a 1962 3 Squadron bird that was based in malaysia, probably A94-962 and piloted by Flight Lieutenant K. Richards.

It sported the red nose and fin with a white surround to the fin flash and a white Southern Cross.

The only anomoly in the shot is the 3 gun slots in the front of the fuselage.

CAC (Australian Government Aircraft Factory) Sabres only sported single gun slots.

End of History Lesson!

Great shot, anyways, Anton.


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Guest victor

Checked it out and my apologies, it appears that we, indeed flew the sabre with RAF decals on the wings and RAAF decals on the fuselage.

My bible also tells me that this aircraft is a representation of a 1962 3 Squadron bird that was based in malaysia, probably A94-962 and piloted by Flight Lieutenant K. Richards.

It sported the red nose and fin with a white surround to the fin flash and a white Southern Cross.

The only anomoly in the shot is the 3 gun slots in the front of the fuselage.

CAC (Australian Government Aircraft Factory) Sabres only sported single gun slots.

Yes frank your close but no cigar http://aussiex.org/forum/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=299

as for the model  its the alphasim f86 sadly it only comes in the 6 12.7mm gun ports, there are no true fsx models that have the twin aden ports thats represent the CACs

there are a few RAAF paints for this at ozx with a history of the paints

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I shoulda' known that was a Jeansey paint. He's a whizz with the Sabre and Mirage stuff!

I can't argue with his history as I have similar stats, but the actual colours (from my stats) say they are 3 Squadron, Butterworth colours from 1962, instead of 1AD.

Regardless of that, it's a great aircraft and a terrific paint, too.


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