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Hi All

I have just read a few topics on FPSLimiter.

Can anyone tell me a little about it, where to download?

Does it work on W7 64 bit systems?

Installation instructions etc.

Is it worthwile trying???


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FPS Limiter works great and renders FSX smooth and stable when set at somewheres around 24-30 fps. The internal slider must be moved to unlimited in order to make it function however. It works fine with Windows 7-64.

The link to download it is here:


Have fun!

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FPS Limiter works great and renders FSX smooth and stable when set at somewheres around 24-30 fps. The internal slider must be moved to unlimited in order to make it function however. It works fine with Windows 7-64.

The link to download it is here:


Have fun!

Thanks Stephen,

I have also heard that Hyperthreading should be turned off in the bios and Vsyn in Nhancer is to be turned on!  Is that correct?

Just read your machine specs in your signature.  Quite a rig,  can you tell me what Nvidia driver your using for your video card and what tweaks you have applied to your fsx.cfg if any?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Just trying this out and I am having some issues with the 'fps_limiter_GUI.jar'

I have installed java, however this is not executing when i double click it? Any help appreciated.

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nvm I sorted it -

created a shorcut of 'fps_limiter_GUI.jar' then set the target path to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe" -jar "C:\LIMITER\FPS_Limiter_GUI.jar"

this engaged the java applet .  Now to test!

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Hi DogDoor,

The .jar file is a java script (as you identified) for running a graphical front end to build your fps-limiter batch file. It isn't really required if you don't want to run java script on your machine.

You can just create your batch file in notepad, save it as FSX.bat or whatever name you want - as long as it ends in .bat

The only line you need in your batch file is something similar to mine -

fps_limiter /r:D3D9 /f:25 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe"

fps_limiter - the program (you should run batch file from the same directory as fps_limiter program

/r:D3D9 - renderer (in this case DirectX 9)

/f:25 - required frames per second

and of course finally the full path to fsx.exe enclosed in " "

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