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UFO at YMLT!...

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Hi everyone! This is my first post here.

I would like first to congratulate all of the orbx team for the great jod they are doing. Let me tel you. I've been traveling around Australia during one month and made about 8000kms. That was just fantastic from the huge and empty beeches to the crowd and dust of the daily water's pud! When I discovered what you did with fsx, I could feel again almost the same atmosphere I found there and it's wonderful. So just a BIG THANKS for that, and continue to make us going to the dream time!

So now!... Here is a strange little thing I can't explain. There is always a small light standing in the air near by the tower-control of YMLT. Seems like an eye of Big Brother or something always watching what you are doing here. ;D So please tel me what to do to turn it of, cause I can't speak to that stranger!!! Here is a shoot of that thing... (YMLT 2.5 on FTX DVD patched 3.001 over the AU BLUE demo.)


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