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True Earth GB / Traffic Global

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Hi all


Since upgrading to the full True Earth GB set of south, central and north I have been unable to get Just Flight's Traffic Global to launch AI traffic anywhere in GB, although everything is on the ground ready to go.  Through a lengthy process of testing and elimination I have now established that Traffic Global is working fine with:

  1. Orbx Global landclass airports
  2. Orbx Europe landclass airports
  3. Orbx North & South Germany airports
  4. Orbx North & South California airports
  5. Orbx PNW airports
  6. Orbx North America landclass - default & Drewziecki New York X airports


On top of that I have MAIW and ACG Duxford traffic working in GB but nothing from Traffic Global even when these are turned off.  Other than that, away from the TE GB airports themselves there is no other traffic in the skies, not even TG's ubiquitous GA Maules, Cherokees and Pipers.


I thought originally that the problem was UK2000's Bristol airport as on first loading the traffic was there and then on all subsequent loads AI traffic fail to take off or appear.  However, there is now no traffic even when it is turned off in the scenery manager or uninstalled completely. 


I have also tried

  1. Nick's trick of moving specific TE GB airport files into a "scenery" folder
  2. turning off bgl files in Traffic Global
  3. reinstalling Traffic Global
  4. verifying the TE GB files 

all to no avail. 


I have also run Traffic Global's diagnostic to check for incompatible legacy bgl files several times but nothing comes up.


For ref, ground vehicles are present and moving and jetways are connected to the TG models at the gates... 


After a weekend of testing, I have run out of ideas for a fix and can find nothing else via Google that looks as though it might offer a solution.  I can only think that there is some kind of conflict between TG and TE GB files but have no idea where that might be.


If anyone has any other suggestions, I would be very grateful!


Thanks in advance.



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